& Health Science
User-friendly report plus impactful webinar for healthcare professionals
iDENTIFY the issue
Nestlé, the world’s number one coffee company, wanted to update information on their Coffee and Health booklet using an evidence-based approach.
iNVESTIGATE the opportunity
We identified a number of systematic reviews across health outcomes (up to 15 on heart disease alone), but no single summary of the holistic effects of coffee on health.
iMPLEMENT solutions
We summarised the totality of the evidence into a user-friendly report linking the science to each health outcome that Nestlé was interested in. This information was used to communicate the key findings in an interactive and engaging webinar for healthcare professionals delivered by our team.
The iMPACT we created
Coffee continues to be one of the most consumed beverages worldwide. By linking coffee to health, we empowered healthcare professionals to credibly talk about the role of coffee in the diet.
86% of respondents were fairly confident or completely confident in discussing the health effects of coffee.
Respondents were able to accurately recall coffee’s anti-inflammatory effects and coffee’s ability to lower CVD and Type 2 diabetes.
There was a 41.6% increase in confidence in healthcare professionals being able to discuss the health effects of coffee.
“The FOODiQ team helped connect our love for coffee and its benefits to our health and wellbeing. They did a brilliant job conducting the research for our booklet and delivering a highly engaging webinar.”
- Dr Jean Kim
Nestle, Scientific Affairs Manager
We use our iQ³ process to identify a food nutrition issue or problem, investigate opportunities, and implement the optimal solution with scale and impact for companies, organisations, healthcare professionals, and consumers.
Have a project that could benefit from our iQ³ process?
Contact FOODiQ Global today.
Join us on this journey as we unlock the potential of food and nutrition science to transform lives and contribute to a healthier world for all.