Mushroom Science & Education
Tan your mushrooms, not your skin, for vitamin D.
iDENTIFY the issue
How do you inspire GPs to recommend mushrooms to their patients?
iNVESTIGATE the opportunity
1 in 4 adults in Australia are vitamin D deficient. Current recommendations include sun exposure or supplements. Given high rates of skin cancer, supplements are often the default choice. Diet can play a major role – mushrooms (exposed to UV light) are the top source of vitamin D.
iMPLEMENT solutions
We created a suite of educational content specific to GPs on mushrooms being a top dietary source of vitamin D, which has benefits of eating whole foods vs. supplements. We presented our findings at the General Practitioner Conference and Exposition, developed brochures, an animation, webinar and videos positioning UV-exposed mushrooms as a top source of dietary vitamin D that’s as effective as supplements at addressing deficiency.
The iMPACT we created
Positioning mushrooms as a solution to a known vitamin challenge using multi-touchpoint communication to engage with GPs.
Workshop symposium educated on mushroom science and exceeded expectations:
Registrations to the workshop exceeded the room size.
The majority of attendees rated the session as "entirely relevant" and "entirely meets" learning needs and objectives.
The speakers were rated as 9 or 10 out of 10.
Participant feedback:
“I enjoyed the lifestyle medicine breaks. The speaker was engaging and obviously very knowledgeable, but able to simplify what we need to be aware of.”
“This was an excellent presentation. The combination of lifestyle medication moments was fantastic. The powerpoint and hand out enhanced the presentation.”
“Very Informative. 4-page summary was useful to have...saves missing speaker's info when trying to zoom and photograph their slides!”
“The speaker cut through the crap associated with vitamin D and presented helpful information in accessible formats.”
- Happy Dr
We use our iQ³ process to identify a food nutrition issue or problem, investigate opportunities, and implement the optimal solution with scale and impact for companies, organisations, healthcare professionals, and consumers.
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