Priority Nutrients
Foods to address modern malnutrition
In Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), many people aren’t getting enough calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, folate and fibre in their diets.
Over time, even small gaps in nutrient intake can result in malnutrition and contribute to chronic disease.
The real ‘super-foods’
People don’t eat nutrients – they eat food. So how can a food-based approach be used to support health outcomes across all stages of life?
Our Priority Nutrients hub connects the dots, providing research and food-based strategies to help maximise the intake of priority nutrients in ANZ.
Research paper
Our research found that nutritional inadequacies are common in ANZ.
Using a unique methodology, nine priority nutrients were identified that could support better health outcomes in specific demographics, and six that would contribute to overall population health.
Fact sheet
This fact sheet identifies the priority nutrients, the key demographics affected, and food-based strategies for addressing modern malnutrition.