Connection Between Food, Body & Mind
Clearinghouse article on nutrition and mental health for Indigenous Australians
iDENTIFY the issue
There is growing evidence that diet quality and adequate nutrition improve mental health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are disproportionately affected. A Clearinghouse on wellbeing, mental health, and suicide prevention was commissioned by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), yet nutrition was not initially called for in the Clearinghouse.
iNVESTIGATE the opportunity
The Australian Institute of Health & Welfare (AIHW) called for tenders for Clearinghouse articles on factors that improve mental health among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. No consideration was given for the effect of diet, which our team proposed, and we won the tender.
iMPLEMENT solutions
We developed a Clearinghouse report that discussed nutrition-inclusive programs for mental health and wellbeing in Australia. Upon request by AIHW, we allowed our report methodology and template to be used for other Clearinghouse reports as a gold standard reference.
The iMPACT we created
Our report was utilised as a template for all the other Clearinghouse reports.
The report was featured on the AIHW website upon launch.
It provided the framework for planning, design, and evaluation of nutrition interventions to improve mental health in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a culturally considerate context.
Diet was added as a topic when looking at mental health interventions.
Food security was included in future Clearinghouse topics.
We use our iQ³ process to identify a food nutrition issue or problem, investigate opportunities, and implement the optimal solution with scale and impact for companies, organisations, healthcare professionals, and customers.
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