World-first study on pink salt using iQ³ to deliver game-changing global impact
iDENTIFY the issue
People think pink salt is healthier, prettier, tastier, and non-toxic when compared to white salt, yet no science on it exists.
iNVESTIGATE the opportunity
Our team saw the opportunity to showcase our expertise by conducting a self-funded world-first paper and analysis on the mineral composition of pink salts in Australia.
iMPLEMENT solutions
We delivered an end-to-end solution that included the publication of our world-first research debunking the myth that pink salt is healthier than white table salt. Alongside our publication, we delivered a Rethink Pink education, communication, and PR campaign engaging government, healthcare professionals, and consumers.
The iMPACT we created
Our world-first research debunked the myth that pink salt is healthier than white table salt with local and global reach and impact, confirming the need for more engaging and evidence-based education and communication to inspire real change.
Lead to changes in product messaging used by some of Australia’s leading manufacturers
Achieved global reach and engagement
1000+ downloads of the research paper
14 hours of interviews
365 news media hits in Australia
600 million hits worldwide
11 pages on Google
700% increase in website traffic
1116% increase in contact form submissions
99% positive sentiment towards FOODiQ Global (nee NRAUS)
Asking Google if “pink salt is healthy” links to articles about our research on the front page:
“Pink salts may be prettier, but a world-first Australian study has found that, despite being touted as healthier, they in fact have low levels of essential nutrients as well as a range of harmful heavy metals.”
-7 News Media
We use our iQ³ process to identify a food nutrition issue or problem, investigate opportunities, and implement the optimal solution with scale and impact for companies, organisations, healthcare professionals, and consumers.
Have a project that could benefit from our iQ³ process?
Contact FOODiQ Global today.
Join us on this journey as we unlock the potential of food and nutrition science to transform lives and contribute to a healthier world for all.